
Operator responsible for the website

Jungfrau Tours AG
Strandbadstrasse 3
CH-3800 Interlaken
+41 (0)33 828 32 32
President: Robertus Laan

Information about the operator of the website

Commercial reg No: CH-
Registered office: Interlaken, Switzerland
VAT No.: CHE-108.470.522 MWST
IBAN No.: CH47 0079 0016 5147 5505 4
Website design: Jungfrau Tours AG

Jungfrau Tours AG is a member of the following organizations

  • Stiftung gesetzlicher Garantiefonds der Schweizer Reisebranche (Swiss Travel Agencies Guarantee Fund)
  • Schweizer Reise-Verband (Swiss Travel Agent Association)
  • Tourismus Organisation Interlaken (Interlaken Tourism)
  • Jungfrau Tours AG is an official agent of the Swiss Federal Railways SBB CFF FFS

    Jungfrau Tours AG is the official partner for the sales and organisation of Rail and Hotel Packages of the Golden Pass Line

    February 28, 2021